Function and Abilities[]
The Crests are devices used to aid and enhance the Digimon of certain Digidestined. Each one is specifically crafted for an individual based on their strongest trait at the time of their construction. They all possess the power to digivolve the partner Digimon of their user past the Champion Level and each comes in a color unique to each Digidestined. However, there is a catch: The wielder must be able to focus on and channel that quality mentally and emotionally in order unlock its power. Even those whom have used their crests before must maintain this connection, otherwise they will not be able to unlock its power.
The power within each crest can be suppressed by emotional baggage or psychological blocks. For instance, when under the influence of the Dark Spore, Ken was unable to use his Crest of Kindness, as all he knew by then was the joy in cruelty and violence, preventing him from tapping into its power. This is merely the most dramatic example, as the crests of the other Digidestined were not blocked nor as affected by darkness as Ken was. Tai was only able to unlock the power of the Crest of Courage once having been made to face true fear, as courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of it.
The Crests were once held in devices known as tags. Upon being destroyed by Apocalymon, the Digidestined were forced to channel their power without a physical medium by which to embody them. This displayed the unique nature of the Crests: being the strongest trait within in each Digidestined, the physical forms of the Crests were merely a tool to channel the pre-existing power within the Digidestined.
List of Users[]
Symbols | Color | Users |
Courage |
Orange | Tai Kamiya |
Friendship |
Blue | Matt Ishida |
Love |
Red | Sora Takenouchi |
Knowledge |
Purple | Izzy Izumi |
Sincerity |
Green | Mimi Tachikawa |
Reliability |
Gray | Joe Kido |
Hope |
Yellow | T.K. Takaishi |
Light |
Pink | Kari Kamiya |
Kindness |
Violet | Ken Ichijouji |