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Gennai Dark Gennai

Dark Gennai is one of the main antagonist of Digimon Adventure tri..


Dark Gennai appears to be identical to his counterpart, with the same brown hair, blue eyes, and tan complexion. The major differences being that his robes and boots are all in varying shades of black, with his belt buckle appearing to be brass rather than gray.


Unlike his counterpart who is mild mannered, kind, and fatherly, Dark Gennai is little more than an utter psychopath.

He is shown to be unhinged, delighting in rampant destruction, mental manipulation, sexual violence such as groping Sora and licking her face, and even welcoming the oblivion of Meicoomon's rampage.

Dark Gennai is easily one of the most savage foes that the Digidestined have faced along with Myotismon and Machinedramon, and his childlike mirth as he declares his intent to murder them is nothing short of chilling.

Digimon Adventure tri.[]






  • Dark Gennai is the first Digimon villain to be a Karma Houdini.
  • Dark Gennai is one of the darkest villains in the franchise.



Tai Kamiya | Matt Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Izzy Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Joe Kido | T.K. Takaishi | Kari Kamiya | Davis Motomiya | Yolei Inoue | Cody Hida | Ken Ichijouji | Meiko Mochizuki

Agumon | Gabumon | Biyomon | Tentomon | Palmon | Gomamon | Patamon | Gatomon | Veemon | Hawkmon | Armadillomon | Wormmon | Meicoomon

Gennai | Homeostasis | Leomon | Elecmon | Numemon | Andromon | Ogremon | Frigimon | Gekomon | Otamamon | Digitamamon | Wizardmon | Whamon | Piximon | Daigo Nishijima | Hackmon

Devimon | (Etemon | MetalEtemon) | (Myotismon | VenomMyotismon | MaloMyotismon) | DemiDevimon | MetalSeadramon | Puppetmon | Machinedramon | Piedmon | Apocalymon | (Diaboromon | Armageddemon) | Millenniummon | Digimon Emperor | Kimeramon | Arukenimon and Mummymon | BlackWarGreymon | Yukio Oikawa | Daemon Corps | Maki Himekawa | Alphamon | Dark Gennai | Infected Imperialdramon | King Drasil

Susumu and Yuuko Kamiya | Hiroaki Ishida and Nancy Takaishi | Toshiko Takenouchi | Masami and Kae Izumi | Keisuke and Satoe Tachikawa | Mr and Mrs. Kido, Jim Kido | Mr and Mrs. Motomiya and Jun Motomiya | Mr and Mrs. Inoue, Mantarou, Momoe and Chizuru Inoue | Hiroki, Fumiko and Chikara Hida | Mr and Mrs. Ichijouji and Sam Ichijouji | Professor Mochizuki and Mrs. Mochizuki

Other DigiDestined
American DigiDestined: Willis, Terriermon, and Kokomon | Michael and Betamon | Phil and Flarerizamon | Tatum and Airdramon | Maria and Centarumon | Steve and Frigimon | Lou and Tortomon |

Chinese DigiDestined: Poi Brothers and three Syakomon | Yue Hong and Apemon

Japanese DigiDestined: Yukio Oikawa and Datirimon | Noriko Kawada and Punimon | Keiko Kurata and YukimiBotamon | Takashi Yoshizawa and Poyomon | Hiroshi Shibata and Nyokimon

Vietnamese DigiDestined : Dien and Gorillamon

Indian DigiDestined: Mina and Meramon

Australian DigiDestined: Derek and Crabmon

French DigiDestined: Catherine Deneuve and Floramon

Mexican DigiDestined: Rosa and Gotsumon

Russian DigiDestined: Sonya and Snimon | Anna and Unimon | Yuri and Kuwagamon
